Healthy Smile Bundle


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Introducing our Healthy Smile Bundle - a comprehensive solution for a radiant smile and vibrant well-being.

NO PLAGUE tackles plaque buildup effectively, not just on teeth, but also within arteries and blood vessels, promoting total oral hygiene and cardiovascular health. With extracts of marine origin, it ensures thorough cleaning for a fresh and healthy mouth.

Complementing this, ORIGINAL SILICA offers a holistic approach to beauty and vitality. From lustrous hair to youthful skin, strong nails to sturdy bones, its multifaceted benefits enhance your overall well-being. By countering osteoporosis and supporting bone health, it ensures longevity and vitality.

Together, NO PLAGUE and ORIGINAL SILICA form the ultimate duo for a dazzling smile, radiant complexion, and robust vitality. Elevate your oral health and beauty regimen with our Complete Oral Health & Beauty Bundle today!

When you buy these products in bundle, you can have them at a huge discount.

Customize Healthy Smile Bundle
NoPlaque   + €0.00
Original Silica   + €0.00

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Healthy Smile Bundle
Healthy Smile Bundle

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    This bundle contains the most important supplements for a perfect and healthy smile.

    The Healthy Smile Bundle includes:

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